
Sub Page Banner Disinfectants 1030X302

What Does 256 Mean?

If you are ever visiting a patient in the hospital, be aware, their bed rail has been touched up to 256 times in one day by multiple people -- yet only disinfected once. How about that I.V. pole, walker, wheelchair or food tray?

What does hospital disinfection mean? It describes the elimination of all pathogenic microorganisms that cause infection, including serious antibiotic-resistant organisms such as Candida auris and deadly pathogens -- C.diff. It must be applied on all surfaces, machines, and devices multiple times a day to ensure the lowest risk of transmitting infectious pathogens to patients and healthcare workers. Disinfectants are not for skin-to-skin contact.

The CDC has specific recommendations as to the appropriate type of disinfectants and methods that can counteract health care-associated infection (HAI).To learn more about these guidelines, visit here.

Product Portfolio

  • ALCAVIS® Bleach-Wipe 1:10

    Infection Control at Your Fingertips

    Included on the EPA's "N" List of disinfectants approved for use against SARS-CoV-2


  • ALCAVIS® Bleach-Wipe 1:50

    Infection Control at Your Fingertips

    Alcavis® single-use wipes give you effective bleach disinfection where you need it, at the right dilution.


  • ALCAVIS® Bleach-Wipe 1:100

    Infection Control at Your Fingertips

    Alcavis® single-use wipes give you effective bleach disinfection where you need it, at the right dilution.



    Powerful oxidizer. Inhibits microbial cell proteins and enzyme systems from growing.

    U.S. FDA cleared at 1% dilution for disinfection of hemodialysis RO systems. Environmentally safe.


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